Monday, March 17, 2008
All of us need to drink anything or whatever is fine or good to us. We need to drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water everyday. Babies need to drink milk all the time as this is the only source of food they have. When you go visit someone they always ask you if you want a drink. Well here's what you should know.........
You’d better be careful next time someone asks you what you want to drink—ifyou answer “anything” or “whatever is fine,” you just might get that. These bizarre beverages aptly titled Anything and Whatever because that is precisely what you get. All the labels from Singapore marketing company, Out of the Box, look the same, but the content is a surprise each time.
A can of uncarbonated WHATEVER might contain ice lemon, chrysanthemum or an apple tea while a can of Anything could be any type of carbonated soda, be it cola, lemon cola, rootbeer, etc.
In a twist, the company has introduced a surprise-packaging concept such that every beverage has a generic design, ensuring that consumers are unaware of the flavour of the purchased beverage until they drink it.
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